Deciphering Member Enrollment by Using the Enhanced Member-Month Table

Presenter: Adam Bakopolus, Health Data Analyst
Intended Audience: Onpoint Data Users
APCDs are invaluable resources to policymakers and researchers alike. Given the complexity of the data that these important resources contain, however, they also can require a certain level of skill to interpret and use appropriately. To make this job easier, Onpoint offers a range of enhancements for end users. One of these is our Member Month table, which summarizes each member’s eligibility record for each month of reported coverage; identifies their fluctuating and overlapping changes in coverage across commercial, Medicaid, and Medicare data; and effectively designates a single type of coverage as primary per month based on industry-standard algorithms and tie-breaker logic. This webinar will train end users in how to best leverage the Member Month table, providing lessons learned along the way and exploring a range of use cases.
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