Leveraging the Member & Eligibility Tables in Onpoint's Data Extracts

All-payer claims databases (APCDs) and other claims-based data initiatives offer a rich data source for analysts to explore healthcare cost, quality, and utilization. To support this important work, Onpoint provides our clients and their approved data users with enhanced data sets that include member and eligibility tables that feature important information about patients and their specific insurance coverage, helping researchers create targeted analyses focused on specific populations.

Please join us March 26 for a deep dive into these essential tables. We’ll discuss recent enhancements that help analysts efficiently identify relationships between members and subscribers and explore the analysis of family units. We’ll also review the nuances related to identifying members with dual eligibility and provide example queries that will help you get the most out of your eligibility data.

Our team also will discuss new and retired HEDIS measures for Measurement Year 2025 so you can plan ahead for any changes to delivered data sets.

Register for the March 26 user group session here.